How does a Load Less, Sell More Strategy Impact Airline Profitability?

How does a Load Less, Sell More Strategy Impact Airline Profitability?

In our mission to revolutionise airline retail strategies, we champion the widespread adoption of our “Load Less, Sell More” approach, backed by compelling rationale. Around 75% of airline revenue is generated from passengers while most of the remaining 25% of revenue is from air freight delivery. With passenger earnings greater for domestic than international travel, applying a load less, sell more factor is particularly relevant to domestic flights. The end-of-2023’s insights from the Financial Times emphasise a robust growth forecast for middle Eastern airlines, expected to reach 115% of pre-pandemic capacity by 2025 – an outperformance compared to other regions. All whilst regional profitability...

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Aviation in 2024

Aviation in 2024

As the industry plans to support a near doubling of passenger and cargo numbers by 2036, the aviation industry anticipates significant transformations, as in any industry, addressing the critical issues like climate change and fuel efficiency. Here’s a deep dive into the pivotal insights that shed light on the aviation landscape in 2024 and beyond.  What do we expect in 2024? 1. Charting the Path to Net Zero, but what is AI doing about it? Achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 represents a monumental challenge for the aviation sector in the fight against climate change. To fulfil this commitment, a comprehensive approach is essential,...

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Unleashing the Dynamic Duo of Data Analytics and AI for In-flight Retail Excellence

Unleashing the Dynamic Duo of Data Analytics and AI for In-flight Retail Excellence

Airlines are laser-focused on bettering the customer experience, so how might we leverage the usage of data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) in this industry? Acknowledging the indispensable role of data in business, the industry is now eagerly embracing AI, recognising its potential to unlock new opportunities and elevate productivity across all industries. During 2024, businesses are looking to embrace the potential generative AI brings to the table, envisioning a future where efficiency is paramount, and the possibilities with data are limitless. The impact of AI has particularly influenced the retail sector, and it’s safe to assert that airlines should...

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How Airlines are Adapting and Innovating to Meet Soaring Traveller Demands

How Airlines are Adapting and Innovating to Meet Soaring Traveller Demands

In the ever-evolving landscape of air travel, one question remains; How can technology be harnessed to attract passengers? As the travel industry navigates the challenges posed by the pandemic and shifting traveller demands, it has been forced to adapt to a new era of aviation. Our recent participation at the World Aviation Festival shed light on this ongoing transformation. Through presentations, product showcases, panel discussions, and informal conversations, it’s certain that the pandemic and subsequent recovery have highlighted the overall importance that the digitalisation of airport operations has taken off in the quest to enhance overall customer experience. In fact,...

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Fuel for Thought: Driving a Hyper-personalisation Strategy to win the next generation of travellers

Fuel for Thought: Driving a Hyper-personalisation Strategy to win the next generation of travellers

Did you know travel is going to be greatly affected by technology advances in the next 10 years? Skyscanner’s Future of Travel Report Series has identified the way travel will change in the next decade and has predicted hyper-personalisation as the future of travel. Allowing the aviation industry to provide a higher level of personalisation than ever before. Staying competitive means embracing advanced technologies to reimagine the passenger experience. This being said, hyper-personalisation is on the horizon. It’s an advanced strategy that harnesses real-time data, analytics, AI, and automation to craft tailored offers, services and experiences that align perfectly with customers’ desires....

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How IT Innovations Propel Airlines Towards Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050

How IT Innovations Propel Airlines Towards Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050

The aviation industry’s commitment to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 is an ambitious yet crucial endeavour in the fight against climate change. While this monumental shift requires comprehensive efforts across the board, the integration of IT innovations stands out as a driving force in helping airlines make this commitment a reality. In this blog post, we will explore how IT data-driven solutions, with a specific focus on Dynamic Ret[AI]l and Artificial Intelligence (AI), is revolutionising the onboard retail perspective and paving the way for a more sustainable aviation sector. Dynamic Ret[AI]l: Say Goodbye to Generic Flying Dynamic Retail, powered by...

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Harnessing AI to Minimise the Environmental Impact of Inflight Retail

Harnessing AI to Minimise the Environmental Impact of Inflight Retail

How will Artificial Intelligence (AI) help airlines bridge the gap between meeting net-zero goals and driving business forward to improve inflight retail experiences? Airlines play a crucial role in exacerbating global carbon emissions, with each flight releasing up to 250,000 pounds of carbon dioxide. To reduce its environmental impact, airlines are harnessing the power of AI as an exclusive resource to make smarter and more sustainable choices. From an airline perspective, making sustainable informed decisions goes beyond simply urging travellers to fly less. It involves strategic measures such as reducing inventory to minimise stock wastage and weight onboard, which directly...

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Charting a Greener Future for Airlines and Passenger-Centric Solutions

Charting a Greener Future for Airlines and Passenger-Centric Solutions

 How are we paving the way for a greener future for airlines? By putting the passengers at the centre and actively working to make flights greener through innovative inflight products and services. Data Clarity leverages its expertise in multi-vendor product integration alongside its industry-leading In-Flight retail solution ClarityIFR – delivering valuable solutions to meet those demands. The industry itself has long recognised the need to reduce emissions. Following the introduction of ‘Fly Net Zero by 2050’ policies according to IATA, the aviation industry is actively working to reduce carbon emissions in response to evolving consumer values and to contribute to global efforts in reducing climate...

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The Sky is the Limit: How Data Analytics Reshapes the Airline Industry

The Sky is the Limit: How Data Analytics Reshapes the Airline Industry

Big data and data analytics has brought about significant transformations in how organisations engage with customers, shape their decision-making process, and streamline operations. Given their status as major players in the industry and access to extensive data, how can the airline sector leverage this data to gain competitive edge? Below are the multiple ways data analytics is transforming the retailing sector. Already, we have seen many airlines achieve excellent market share and cost-reduction results by making thorough use of their data. From what we have seen as a result according to Statista, 95% of aviation companies stated they are likely or...

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Taking Flight: How Customer Segmentation is Transforming the Airline Industry

Taking Flight: How Customer Segmentation is Transforming the Airline Industry

Customer segmentation is a key strategy in the airline industry that enables airlines to target their marketing efforts and deliver personalised services to every passenger, to improve customer experiences, and increase loyalty, leading to increased revenue and profitability. There has been a lot of talk about customer segmentation and personalisation in the last few years – following the question, “What is the best way to segment my customers for marketing purposes?” It’s a question that doesn’t necessarily have one right answer, but there is an untapped opportunity for the airline industry to mature to customer expectations – offering greater choice,...

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