Empowering airlines to evolve into great retailers, marking the next era of digital transformation in aviation. Maximise Savings.
Accelerate Revenues.
Charm Customers & Crew.

Reshaping the Aviation Experience

Supporting leading airlines across the globe to create tailored digital journeys for their passengers. Our efficient tools and services are boosting revenues and maximising savings for airlines worldwide.


Drawers packed per day of items predicted through data processing.


Flights per day

Maximise Savings

Cut Unsold Inventory

Optimising stock levels helps airlines fly lighter, saving fuel and lowering emissions aligned with their ESG goals. Minimising unsold inventory on all flights achieves a significant annual reduction in CO2 emissions per airline, averaging 25kgs less per light.

Accelerate Ancillary Revenue

Unlock New Profit Potential

Predict customer purchasing patterns, leading to an estimated increase of 7.5% in sales, as each flight is individually modeled, including the consideration of external factors, with optimised trolley stock to meet customer demand precisely.


Increase Crew & Customer Satisfaction

Satisfied Teams, Happy Customers

Increase crew commission due to boosted sales with in-demand stock. This allows for more accurate sales predictions through an AI recommendation engine, providing opportunities for premium items due to optimised available space, and enables a targeted focus on high-selling areas within the cabin.


Discover our End-to-End 360 Retail Ecosystem

Covering every aspect from the warehouse to the passenger’s seat.

Hear from our Customers

We help leading airlines and their managed agents reshape inflight experiences through end-to-end solutions.

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