Category: Data Integration

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End-to-End Stock Management for Airlines

End-to-End Stock Management for Airlines

ClarityIFR is a Data Clarity brand and the preferred system integration partner for aviation, revolutionising the industry with a complete, end-to-end stock management solution, helping airlines to work smarter by improving understanding of their business.  As experts in the aviation and retail industries, we specialise in supporting airlines to drive ancillary revenue. We understand the...

Data Clarity Selected by easyJet to Support its Retail Operations

Data Clarity Selected by easyJet to Support its Retail Operations

The partnership between Data Clarity and easyJet is a significant milestone for Data Clarity’s journey in the aviation sector. Data Clarity Ltd, a leading provider in data solutions, is delighted to announce that it is working with easyJet to support its retail operations,  marking  a pivotal moment for Data Clarity. The collaboration aims to further...

How does a Load Less, Sell More Strategy Impact Airline Profitability?

How does a Load Less, Sell More Strategy Impact Airline Profitability?

In our mission to revolutionise airline retail strategies, we champion the widespread adoption of our “Load Less, Sell More” approach, backed by compelling rationale. Around 75% of airline revenue is generated from passengers while most of the remaining 25% of revenue is from air freight delivery. With passenger earnings greater for domestic than international travel, applying a...

Aviation in 2024

Aviation in 2024

As the industry plans to support a near doubling of passenger and cargo numbers by 2036, the aviation industry anticipates significant transformations, as in any industry, addressing the critical issues like climate change and fuel efficiency. Here’s a deep dive into the pivotal insights that shed light on the aviation landscape in 2024 and beyond.  What do...

How Airlines are Adapting and Innovating to Meet Soaring Traveller Demands

How Airlines are Adapting and Innovating to Meet Soaring Traveller Demands

In the ever-evolving landscape of air travel, one question remains; How can technology be harnessed to attract passengers? As the travel industry navigates the challenges posed by the pandemic and shifting traveller demands, it has been forced to adapt to a new era of aviation. Our recent participation at the World Aviation Festival shed light...

How IT Innovations Propel Airlines Towards Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050

How IT Innovations Propel Airlines Towards Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050

The aviation industry’s commitment to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 is an ambitious yet crucial endeavour in the fight against climate change. While this monumental shift requires comprehensive efforts across the board, the integration of IT innovations stands out as a driving force in helping airlines make this commitment a reality. In this blog post,...