Passengers + Planet = Profit

Technology Solutions expert Raza Barkatali explains to Data Clarity why he sees caring for Passengers and the Planet is fundamental to delivering Profit for the aviation industry. 

“With the pressures of coming out of the COVID pandemic multiplied by increased energy costs, passenger and crew demand pressures, and climate change requirements many carriers and suppliers in the aviation industry are hoping for the silver bullet to cure all their problems, at the same time knowing that it does not exist. 

Against this backdrop of frustration and realism it is imperative for the industry to have a clear strategy that can be easily understood across the full circle of stakeholders, and practically applied in a phased approach to drive quicker return on capital employed and confidence that businesses are actually meeting their challenges, rather than being frustrated by the huge “are-we-nearly-there” projects. 

The simple strategy that I have been discussing with leaders and suppliers of the aviation industry is that of: 

Passengers are clearly the life blood of aviation, and it is essential that we create Empowered Passengers by providing them the intuitive applications to pre-order, define their preferences, manage allergy requirements, whilst delivering relevant personalised offers to them throughout their journey. 

If we want Empowered Passengers then we need an Engaged Crew and that only happens with full circle integration of the supply chain, ensuring that the Engaged Crew can rely on having the Right Product on the Right Flight for the Right Passenger. 

The Planet is obviously prime for all of us, and with the challenges the aviation industry faces on environmental protection it is a case of understanding what can be done to reduce fuel usage whilst recognising the huge part the aviation industry plays in creating a better future for everyone on the Planet. 

Retail and tourism are growth industries for many countries, connecting international communities, opening many opportunities for social and economic improvement, and this is something which we can help do responsibly through the Right Product, Right Flight, Right Passenger approach. 

The best way to start this is by only flying what you expect to sell, with many carriers frustrated by barely achieving 15% conversion rates. 

Instead, selecting the right products to manage your supply chain can drive this rapidly to over 80%. 

Put simply we need to be using those products that can effectively use AI to predict seat occupancy rates, the profile of passengers and their product preferences on each flight departure so that the last mile provider can respond effectively. 

Avoiding the Million Mile Mars Bar is a must – unfortunately this is not a mythical product, it actually happens. 

Because of standard bar-sets and replenishment algorithms it is easy for a single Mars Bar to clock up this more than marathon distance and in the course create 0.21 tonnes of carbon dioxide – bad for the Planet and for Profits. 

The key point is don’t fly what you don’t sell, deploy solutions that optimise conversion rates through dynamic bar-sets, freeing the crew from administering unwanted product, giving them more time to deliver a tailored passenger experience, and not burning fuel on unsold products. 

How can the aviation industry that carries so many Legacy Systems rapidly access these benefits? 

Well, the best route is to choose a supplier with the experience of managing Legacy Systems whilst integrating the elements that shall most rapidly deliver milestone benefits before finally deploying a full circle integrated solution.” 

Raza Barkatali  has over twenty years’ experience in delivering Technology Solutions across diverse industry platforms. 

Interested to know more? Contact us today.